Honeydew Rave – Fruited Wheat

First Released: May 5, 2018

As the most requested beer from James’ home-brewing days, it’s an absolute party for your tastebuds. Surprisingly balanced between subtle honeydew flavor and crisp, full bodied wheat. An ideal summer sipper made with 100, yes, 100 honeydew melons.

honeydew beer, rave

Something you actually want on your honeydew list.

Tasting Notes

Aroma: Like cutting open a honeydew melon next to a pint of light beer.

Flavor: Starts like a regular wheat beer, honeydew flavor creeps in part way through each sip.

Mouthfeel: Medium body from the wheat and lively with carbonation.

Aftertaste: Drying finish with some lingering bitterness.

Physical Description

Color: Dirty straw with a faint green twinge

Clarity: Opaque

Carbonation level: Medium-high

ABV: 6.3%


Malt: 2-row, White Wheat

Hops: Warrior, Centennial

Yeast: Ale Yeast

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