All Dressed Up With Nowhere To Go

Surprise! We received our brewing tanks! Except they can’t live with us yet.

Last Friday, August 10, two trucks made it from the long drive from Colorado to deliver our shiny new stainless steel vessels. Since our brewery space is currently full of construction obstacles such as half-broken dangling fluorescent lights, low sprinkler heads, and other obstacles to moving tanks around, they have been taken in by a nearby warehouse.

brewing tanks

James stopped by after the delivery to see them in person for the first time. They will remain wrapped on their pallets to be transported one final time to their home at Wooden Hill once the brewery floor, plumbing, glycol piping, and electrical systems have been installed.

These tanks were proudly designed and built by Rocky Mountain Vessels in Montrose, Colorado. You can read more about why we chose Rocky Mountain here or learn about brewing equipment here.


Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.

Marian Kutarna
August 22, 2017 at 7:04 pm

Those are mega large “tanks” or vats! Impressive job so far, guys! Love the updates!

Wooden Hill
August 23, 2017 at 8:23 am
– In reply to: Marian Kutarna


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