Skipper – English Mild

First Released: April 18, 2018

This week we released “Skipper” on Nitro: Light and creamy, this easy drinking ale is poured from our nitro tap just as you’d find it in an old English pub. Smooth sailing ahead.

english mild
Like the Captain of a ship, it’s damn close to water.


Our first true session ale takes inspiration from the highly quaffable ales traditionally served in British pubs. While the popularity of Mild ales dropped significantly after the 1960s, the style is seeing a resurgence with the explosion of microbreweries in the US.

Tasting Notes

Aroma: Biscuit and light caramel/toffee

Flavor: Starts with a subtle sweetness and transitions into grain/cracker with a subdued grassy bitterness.

Mouthfeel: Light in body and feel

Aftertaste: Ebbing honey sweetness

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